The Lawyer

The Lawyer

What Mr Bates and the Post Office can teach us about climate change

“You might think you’re thinking your own thoughts. You’re not. You’re thinking your culture’s thoughts.” Jiddu Krishnamurti We need to talk about our culture’s thoughts. These have been called different things: the dominant world view; our metanarrative; the hegemonic paradigm. Whatever the terminology, it comes down to the prevailing way of thinking, the story we […]

The JLD blog: Representation of BAME at partnership level

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are three individual concepts which must be looked at in combination for their true impact in the workplace to emerge. A workplace where there is representation, but opportunities are only given to certain groups and only the perspectives of certain groups are valued or carry authority, may be a diverse workplace, […]

Climate education

Scale up and speed up: what we need to do about environmental governance

In the UK, as elsewhere, the environment is in a parlous state. Deeply concerning adverse environmental trends continue. Urgent action is needed to tackle the climate and biodiversity crises. Businesses often want to do the right thing and NGOs are active in the sector. Even so, the environment often lacks a ‘voice’, with few economic […]