Luan de Burgh

Luan de Burgh is a professional public speaker and presentation coach.

Associate conundrums: How to turn contacts into clients

You can have as many contacts as you like but if you are not turning them into clients all you have is is large pile of business cards on your desk given to you by people who don’t really know who you are or what you do. So, how do you find people who are […]

Associate conundrums: What are you doing to get noticed?

I’m often asked by associates how can they increase their visibility at their law firm in order to secure a promotion. Here are my five top tips to raising your personal profile. You’re up for a promotion and you know that you’re ready for the next step in your career.  You’re a technical expert in […]

Associate conundrums: Standing out from the crowd

“Do you know any good IP lawyers?” I was asked this recently by a contact who knows that I work extensively with the legal profession and am connected to many lawyers. An easy assumption would be that I’d have difficulty in singling out any one individual from all the IP specialists I have come across, […]

Associate conundrums: Developing business relationships

You’ve gone to all the trouble of establishing new business relationships through various networking activities which you believe have the potential to become mutually beneficial long-term connections. You know that the relationships need to be enduring and that they will need some nurturing but you are equally aware that you don’t have hours and hours […]

network social media group

Associate conundrums: How to work the room

Is it enough to simply be a good lawyer and to service clients properly and efficiently when it comes to business development? Undoubtedly providing expert advice and delivering a first class service is critical but is this alone going to develop more business? On its own possibly, but only with an existing and loyal client. […]

Associate conundrums: To speak up or not to speak up

You’re in a client meeting with a partner. You’re following their lead, taking the role of first officer. It’s all going according to plan. Without any warning, the partner says something which you disagree with and you fear could negatively impact the whole deal. You know that you have a limited window of opportunity to […]