Industry leaders

Tony Williams

Four reasons to put the revolution on pause

Before making radical changes based on the latest scare theory about the future of the legal profession, consider what is best for your firm and clients In recent years the legal sector has been carpet-bombed by supposedly knock-out theories about the future; Big Law is dead, you must be global or niche, partnerships are incapable […]


Rule of law is under threat from regulations

A weak rule of law may make the UK less attractive to international investors. International investors looking to the UK have many motivations but a key attraction of our country is the reputation of our legal system for integrity, certainty and fairness. In other words, for the rule of law. Yet when I talk to […]


Five ways to improve online snooping laws

Europe is setting the pace in balancing state power against individual rights in the internet age. UK lawmakers could learn some useful lessons. The upcoming bill on investigatory powers will take its place in a long tradition of  balancing state powers and citizens’ rights, and is an opportunity to improve transparency and legal certainty. Today […]