Grab a mince pie and a glass of mulled wine, and settle down in a comfy chair: you are warmly invited to the Law Against Loneliness Christmas Concert.
Choirs and soloists from across the profession perform readings, carols and classic Christmas songs in the video below. So take a break from the keyboard and enjoy the festive season with us!
If you want to Tweet along with a photo of yourself looking cosy, we’re @thelawyermag and the hashtag is #lawagainstloneliness
Meanwhile, our 2020 charity partner is the Free Representation Unit. You can donate here.
Thanks to all those who took part, and special thanks to The Lawyer’s Sarah Hetherington for all her help.
these are brilliant, thanks to all!
Loved this! Well done everyone – definitely in the Christmas spirit now!
Wow, this was awesome and I am so very appreciative for this holiday cheer. Thank you to all of the fabulous singers and readers, and to Sarah Hetherington especially for putting it together. This was a real holiday treat. Thank you to The Lawyer – brilliant! – Veta Richardson, CEO, Association of Corporate Counsel
Fantastic performing. Well done everyone! Really brought out the magic of Christmas.