
The JLD blog: Why social mobility work must start in schools

Earlier this year we read of Justine Greening’s latest social mobility action plan for the legal sector that sees law firms working more closely with universities to boost opportunities. This should be applauded, alongside all of the other social mobility programmes that are being undertaken across the profession and within organisations. However, this is still […]

My Pride Story: The biggest obstacle in my career wasn’t being gay

I was in a same-sex relationship before I started my training contract 16 years ago, and I have been completely out for my entire career. On applications, I deliberately included details of my time helping to run the student LGBT society, despite friends’ advice. My thinking was simple: If a firm doesn’t want the real […]

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The JLD blog: Regulatory failures – what change is needed to the current system?

Since the prosecutions of Sovani James, Emily Scott and Claire Matthews, there have been numerous cases involving junior lawyers where strike-off has been avoided as a final outcome. For example, Susie Orton was suspended for covering up a mistake in relation to a missed hearing and Harina Panesar-Jagdev received a temporary ban for amending an […]

My Pride Story: Tearing up my life plans

I grew up heavily closeted in a small, conservative village, and from a young age I assumed that I would grow up, find a husband, and have children. I still have my 13-year-old diary in which I set out my life plan, which involved being married, qualified, and a parent age 27. Even then I […]

My Pride Story: Schrodinger’s “coming out”

As Pride month rolls round once again, I find myself reflecting on progress made in LGBT+ rights over the years: from the Stonewall riots of 1969, to the establishment of UK charity Stonewall in response to the pernicious s.28 in the late 80s, and then to civil partnerships and eventually the enactment in 2013 of […]

My Pride Story: From shame to confidence, to self-love

Remember Pet Shop Boys’ song “Go West”? For various historical reasons, it was an anthem where I grew up and developed as a person. Prior to the globalisation and the transition of Eastern Europe, Bulgaria was one of the most amicable places to grow up as a kid – children tended to be the centre […]

My Pride Story: “Out, but not out out”

It’s a strange phenomenon when people talk about pride and coming out. Each person has their own personal and unique story to tell. Getting on in years, as junior lawyers keep reminding me, and as a 49-year-old I have been recalling my pride journey, reminiscing if you like. I had always thought that I exuded […]